تحميل الانجليزي كتاب الطالب الصف السابع الجديد المنهج اليمني 2025-1446 pdf؟ او تنزيل كتاب اللغة الانجليزية سابع اليمن المنهج الجديد pdf.
بعض من محتوى اللغة الانجليزية كتاب الطالب السابع اليمن الجديد
Unit I
The alphabet Numbers 110
Unit 2
Names of objects
Song - colours
Song parts of the body Location
Unit 3
Letters and sounds Personal Information
Family relationships
Poem My family and me
Reading puzzles
Cartoon story
Language summary
Unit 4
Likes and dislikes with countable nouns
Offers with countable nouns
Food and drink - uncountable nouns
Offers and requests with uncountable nouns
Container words
Cartoon story
Language summary
Unit 5
Song days of the week
Daily routine Ist person
Telling the time
Daily routine 3rd person.
After school activities
Task reading
Language summory
Unit 6
Present continuous tense
Song Where's Hassan?
Making, accepting and refusing offers
Task reading
Cartoon story
Language summary
Unit 7
Furniture and buildings
Ordinal numbers 1st-7th
Rooms of the house
There is/There are
Song My house
Task reading
Describing people in a street
Conversation practice
Language summary
Unit 8
Past tense
Conversation practice
Reading puzzle
Suggesting things to do
Song-All on my way
to school
Cartoon story
Language summary
Possessives My name is Tom Your His Her name is Anne. Our names are Tom and Anne. Your Their Make statements like these: I'm 12. Tom isn't from Yemen. Fuad and Hassan are Fatma's brothers. I've got 3 sisters. Fuad hasn't got a bike. Camels haven't got hands. I can run fast. My sister can't swim. Ask questions like these: Is this white? Are you 11? Are the books on the table Have you got a pen? Has Tom got a sister? Have birds got legs? Can you ride a bike? Can cows hop? Ask questions with these words: What...? Where...? How old...? How many...? Who...?