تحميل كتاب الانجليزي الواجب الصف الثالث الثانوي الجديد المنهج اليمني 2025-1446 pdf؟ او تنزيل الانجليزي كتاب الواجب ثالث ثانوي اليمن المنهج الجديد pdf.
بعض من محتوى كتاب اللغة الانجليزية الثالث الثانوي اليمن الجديد
Think of a vegetable, a fruit or an animal. Ask your partner to guess what you are thinking of. You partner should ask questions like these: Can you eat it? Is it a vegetable? What colour is it? Does it have feathers? Can you find it in Yemen? Read the article on PB page 3 again. Then answer these questions. In which country or countries can you find tigers? What animals are in the same family as the dog? When was Rama born? What kind of animal was Rama's father? Which is bigger, a camel or a llama? Which part of Rama is valuable? Why was it possible to crossbreed a lion and a tiger? Why do llamas have heavy wool coats? Why would it be difficult for camels to live where llamas come from? In what way is the cama like a camel? Describe the cama to your partner using the following plan. Begin by describing its colour and covering. Then describe the head, body, legs and tail. The description does not have to be complete, but should describe interesting things about the animal, such as the size and shape of its tail. Choose another animal and describe it to your partner. Do not give the name. Can he or she guess which animal you are describing?
Describe to your partner the location of Andy and Mike exactly. Use some of the following words and phrases. near... north of.../ south of ... on the east side of... about... kilometres from... Role play a telephone conversation with your partner. Imagine you are stuck on Snow Peak. You have a mobile phone Decide where you are. Call Snow Peak Rescue. Describe your location. Your work for Snow Peak Rescue. You get a call from someone stuck on the mountain. It's getting dark, so you have to find exactly where he/she is. Work in pairs. Think of a place in the countryside and describe its location. Your partner tries to guess where it is.
Written descriptions should be organized with the reader in mind. In the text on PB page 6, the writer started with things at a distance. Another way is to start writing about things which are nearby. Re-order this paragraph to make a description going from near to far. I sat in the car and looked around me. A little bit further away, to my left, a man was waiting for a bus. In the distance were some hills, the tops of them covered in mist. Just in front of me, a family of four were having a picnic. Opposite him, to my right, three men were sitting. drinking coffee. Further away, two women were walking down the road.